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Fresh Beat Band style- costume crochet dress

Hi, doing great, I hope:

My daughter loves this show The Fresh beat band, she hated that they’ve changed the  actress of Marina’s character, apparently she is not alone so she keeps watching the old episodes we have recorded on our DVR. If you have kids you know how they like to see things -say, more than once…

Then three weeks ago she felt like having the Marina’s dress this one bellow:

Since  my sewing machine is still out of order… I offered her to buy a T-shirt this color, add the details in pink, and presto!

No way she,  wanted a crochet one. See how she won me I quote “Mom I really really really would love it if you could crochet  me a Marina’s dress then that would be my own”.

So, considering she is still in that fase she is my fan -who knows what might come in teenagehood?

I decided to give it a try and came up with it, I finally finished it up yesterday. How do you like it?

crochet dress Marina-fresh beat band

crochet costume Marina Fresh beat Band

She felt so happy, she almost went to bed in it. I got lots of kisses hugs, and I am still a queen, or a fairy to her eyes.

Next thing she wants now are the drums… well this is something she has to see with her Daddy.

Take good care,
